My Biography!

Birth Place/Family August 9th, 1995 at 12:24 P.M. I, Cassie Dotta, came popping out of the whom in sunny San Diego, California. From day one I was daddy’s little girl, no questions about it. My Dad works at the AT&T corporate offices, but he is not one of those average Joe business men, he’s a  “biker dude” who owns two Harleys and rides his motorcycle to work every day. My Mom, also known as my biggest fan, used to work at AT&T but decided she wanted to have more time with her kids so she quit her job and became a stay at home mom. Then there’s Cameron, that pain in the butt big brother. Cameron is three years older then me so of course all we do is fight because he likes torture me and give me a hard time.
Childhood:When I was younger my family was really close, we would take family trips to the Disneyland, camping at the beach, and my favorite was when we would go out to the desert and i would ride my quad! As my brother and I got older we got involved in sports and other activities that made it harder for us to be able to do things as a family.  When I was 10 I became very interested in cheerleading. After a few years of being a part of the Cowboys, the YMCA opened down the street from my house. I decided to try something new and joined the gymnastics team.
From Kindergarten through eighth grade I went to Hill Creek Elementary, were I made so many friends. When I got to my eighth grade year my mom and dad told me I was going to go to West Hills, only problem was all my friends were going to Santana so I cried and begged them to let me go to where all my friends were going but there was no changing their minds. When my Freshman year started and I felt like I was the odd girl out, I didn't know anyone, but within a few weeks that changed when I met who is now
my best friend,  Sarina Guida. Along with Sarina came my other two best friend
s, Heather Tavolazzi and Hannah Beal. Through the struggles and drama of high school my best friends were always there for me to help get me through. When Senior year started Hannah and I made a new friend, her name is Hailey Sparks and the three of us became the singing dancing trio! With my senior year coming to an end I am giving it an extra push so I can end my senior year with a 3.5 GPA.

Hobbies, Interest & Activities: Growing up I had lots of different interest from playing in the dirt at the desert to cheering on the side of the Pop Warner football field. My parents never tried to push me into any sports, but when I was seven years old I started tumbling and I loved it. After tumbling for a few years my partents put me in Pop Warner where I Cheered at football games and learned a routine that I competed with my team. While I loved everything about cheer my favorite part was the competitions, I would wake up early on competition day so my mom could do my hair and make up. Before we would go on the competition floor our coaches would say something to inspire us and then we would rock that stage. When the YMCA opened my mom took my brother and I down there to look around and when I saw the gymnasts practicing I knew I wanted to try something new so traded in my cheer uniform for a leotard. After fours year of gymnastics I got to level six and began to lose interest in the sport so my mom and dad let me quit.

During my Freshman year I was asked to tryout for the gymnastics team, I thought why not it will be easy. After tryouts I was told I made Varisty. Varsity as a Freshman was a HUGE deal, I went to CIF and got my letter. Sphomore year I wanted to go back to cheer so I tried out for the school team. Not liking High School cheer I didnt try out again Jouinior year but I did join a new All Star Team called Cheerforce. I made a level four team which is the second highest level in competitive cheer. My team went to UCA Nationals in Florida where we got 1st place. I continued doing it senior year and plan to cheer through college. 

Anecdotes: You know when your a kid and you convince your parents to get you a pet but then never take care of them, yeah well I did that... about three times. Unfortunetly that backfired on me. When I turned seventeen all I wanted was to get a kitten, but when I asked my dad that didnt go over to well. The key was annoyence, I just kept asking my parents and eventually they caved in. One morning my mom and dad took me out to breakfast and a "suprise". The last thing I would have expected was a trip to the animal sheleter. When we got there I was so excited I ran to the kitten section and the first little guy I laid my eyes on I knew he was the one. Charlie Pants Meowgii, he's my little man that goes everywhere with me. I couldn't be more happier now that my parents gave me that fourth chance to finally show them I could take care of a pet.

Watching all those Fairytale movies when I was little I always hoped to find my own Prince Charming, I would have never guessed it'd be when I was in high school. Jounior year I took chemistry, where I really created some "chemistry" with a boy named Darley Cameron Bell. We sat across from each were we'd both awkwardly stare at eachoter waiting for the other one to start a converstation. Awkwardly enough our first conversatiton was over Facebook. Then the next day at school he wrote me a little note asking for my phone number. After a few months of just going on dates and hanging out he asked me to be his girlfriend on Decemeber 13, 2011. When our one year came around he bought me a promise ring and our relatiuonship now continues to get stronger everyday.

Career: From being a kid to now I have had some many different dreams of what I wanted to be when I grew up. First it was a doctor, then it was an astronunt and now I know for sure what I want to do with my life. I plan on going to college and majoring in Liberal Studies so I can get my degree and become an elemtry school teacher. After I become a teacher I want to continue going to school for my master and one day be a principal. I love working with children and working at a school I will be able to do what I love.

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